“Transformative Tales: My Journey through Meditation”

None of the steps I took toward strategic living yielded lasting results until I tried to settle my mind. I could not observe the situation properly. I had difficulty thinking enough before making a decision and would react without thinking.

Shedding Light on My Meditation Misconceptions

I was familiar with the word meditation before realizing these problems. That was a long time ago. In the year 2015, meditation was just a small curiosity for me. A long and aimless affair was the farewell, which, like the rest of the curiosities, did not last long. I unconsciously followed a strict regimen of meditation for a few days and left feeling exhausted. Meditation then had no specific purpose.

The practice of sitting in meditation was difficult for me. I had a misconception that only the cross-leg position is acceptable for meditation.

Those who have a nominal idea of meditation may make the same mistake. I chose odd times for meditation. It was 2 or 3 am. Because I knew meditation needed a quiet and dark environment. And I used to sit on my bed in a cross-legged position and try to meditate.

This may seem surprising to you. It didn’t seem weird to me before, but now it does. Actually waking up in the middle of the night to meditate is not logical at all. It is a boring and hard work for everyday. After meditating like this for a few days, I became exhausted and could not continue for more than 5 days.


Generally speaking, we are less motivated to do difficult tasks and get bored more easily.

Diving into Stillness: My Meditation Journey Unveiled

I chose early morning for meditation. When the environment is calm and gives a mild cooling sensation. I chose my reading table chair as a place of meditation. If I wanted i could  go to the roof of the house it would have been nicer because there was a small garden and open air. But I chose my reading table because it was next to my bed and I would tidy the table at night so that in the morning I could meditate without interruption and without distraction.


But you can choose a better place if it is easy and hassle free for you. But I think it is better not to do it if it is hindered. Because it will be difficult for you to regulate it and you may feel depressed.

For meditation you need a chair that supports your back and is comfortable to sit for long periods of time. You should be able to sit with your feet flat and knees at a 90 degree angle.


When I sat down for meditation I set a timer for five minutes. I close my eyes and try to concentrate on my breathing and the brain feels a kind of peace while breathing. It was a little difficult to control the eyeballs with the eyes closed.When I focused on breathing through my nose, my eyeballs would move down and sometimes up, causing pain in my eyes at times, but the rule is to look straight ahead so that the eyeballs are in the middle. It took me a few days to master it.


When I focus on my breathing during meditation I feel like I haven’t started a timer. This time does not run out. I would check again to see if I had started the timer, but after a few days it seemed normal.


During meditation various thoughts would come to my mind, but I would try to stay conscious and focus on breathing again. But this thing seemed a bit difficult and annoying. It took a little patience. I felt like I was not meditating. But after a few days of practice, consciously adding the mind to the breath becomes relatively easy. It is basically a matter of practice.

One more thing

The body should be well prepared for meditation. Because during meditation you have to sit straight with your back straight. If the body is tired at this time, it becomes difficult for you to meditate.

Causes of failure in meditation

At the beginning of meditation, when I felt frustrated that I could not meditate properly, I started looking for obstacles. I learned not to meditate regularly, to have too many expectations about meditation, such as instant relaxation, an expectation of a completely clear mind. And being addicted to something that excites us too much helps these obstacles to thwart meditation.

I noticed that among these three things addiction was the cause of my obstacles. Social media, YouTube, movies, dramas used to over excite me. Because of which I failed meditation in the beginning. Just as meditation helps calm and focus the mind, addictions make the mind restless and distracted. Due to which proper results are not obtained in meditation. And we give up.

When I started meditation it seemed difficult and boring. It didn’t seem to affect it in any way. But since I had meditated with a wrong idea before, I thought I would practice it for a few more days and after continuing for a few days, I really started to feel its effects. And meditation became easier for me and I was getting more motivated. It has helped make my life much easier. Saves time from unnecessary thinking. So I would say practice with some patience and give it few days hope you too will experience its miracle.